Thursday, September 29, 2011

A few of my Favorite things....

Every year all of the girls in Michaels family get together and have a "favorite things party".

It always involves great food, fabulous company, and lots of laughter!

This year D booked us a night at a beautiful townhome in Midway and the only thing that could have made it more perfect is if Shay were able to be there ( you were missed).

I had such a great time with everybody. It's amazing the stories that come out when the boys aren't around, I loved it!!

We ate at a DELICIOUS Italian restaurant in Park City before we went to midway. YUM YUM!!

I brought my laughing cow cheese with me for my favorite treat.

LaLa and I in front of a darling little house in Midway that looks like it came from Sweden.

Kaylee and I in front of the cool rock entry way of the "Swedish house".

This is my favorite thing that I brought for everyone. I found these vintage postcards of temples when I was antiquing with Eve(with 5 kids, we were so brave:) and I put them in picture frames for everyone.

Kaylee made these way sweet jewelery hangers for us to put all of our "pretties" on. I love mine!! She also got us each some jewelery, a bag, a squishy( I think that's what it's called) and of course some chocolate!

Aubrey got us all a book with 101 things every kid needs to do. I love reading through it and getting ideas on things to do with the girls. We have had a great time already with it. Then she gave us a journal to write down how the activity went. What a great idea, right!?!

Lauren got us all these hot purses, love the color. She asked each of our husbands to write a "love,note/letter(in my case an anniversary card:) for us to keep with us in our purse. Sweetest thing ever!!

D gave us all a bottle of her "signature perfume". I have a new favorite scent now... Tommy Girl! She also found these sweet butterfly magnets for us to remember Grandma Bush, so special!

Shay made us these rose earrings and rings. I LOVE THEM!! I love to wear them everyday!! I just want a set of every color now:)

Thank-you girls for the tradition I look forward to every year, LOVE YOU!!

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