Sunday, September 11, 2011

First day

Last Tuesday was Emry's first day of preschool. She seemed so grown up walking into the her new classroom. She had show and tell the first day and I printed off a picture of her and her bunny to take with her. I asked her when I picked her up if she showed her picture, she said she was the first one to go up but before she could remember what she was supposed to say about the picture the teacher told her she could sit back down. Oh, she makes me laugh:)

I cleaned most of the morning while she was gone and Amelia kept asking me when we were going to pick up Emry. I felt awful that I hadn't made more time for just Amelia. The next morning I made it a point to take Amelia to the park right after we dropped Emry off for school. We played that she was the "mom" and I was the "sweetheart" the whole time. It was so much fun just being with her, she was being adorable!

This is Emry's teacher Mrs. Stringam, Emry just loves her!

Emry and Courtney walking home from school together on their first day, I love that it is only about a block away from our house.


Shay said...

I cannot believe it, she is so cute and so big. Seems like she is totally ready!

The Lee's said...

I can't believe how big the girls are getting.Love to all of you !

eve said...

so cute! good for you taking amelia to the park- sounds SUPER cute the way she was playing.. i need to use my time with the boys better, too. (but i ALSO need to clean better!)
miss you!