Friday, September 2, 2011

So Long Sweet Summer

Wow, has it really been since March since I posted last? I can't believe Emry is starting Preschool just next week, the summer flew by way to fast! We had a fabulous summer filled with lazy days at the swimming pool, eating ice cream, and catching bugs!! We also got to have one AMAZING week with my mom and dad here to visit, I wish you guys were here always!

With summer coming to an end and little baby Fisher on the way, I wanted to get a few pictures of the girls before things got too crazy (in a good way:).

My friend Eve told me of some pictures that she took with her family (that I am dyeing to see) where they did an awesome outdoor scene with her boys playing games and up in trees with a background of sheets hanging from trees with lanterns making a tent. I thought that sounded like so much fun so I decided I wanted to try it with the girls with a sort of vintage tea party scene.
My amazing mother-in-law didn't even hesitate saying yes when I asked her to help me out, she is actually the one that took all of the pictures.
So with a can of whipped topping as bribery (mother of the year award goes to me right?) we headed out to the park. This is what we came up with..........

Thank-you so much Kaylee for coming with me to do this, it was so much fun!


Mandy said...

SO CUTE!!! I love those pictures!

eve said...

oh. my. gosh- erin!! these are to die for! are you so in love?
how great!! i totally need some copies. they turned out perfect! how fun.

Sara said...

Oh Erin, they are just the cutest! The photo of Amelia (7th down), I remember that face, I know that face, YOU when you were small and we would run the neighborhood in swimsuits and colorful jelly sandals. Your girls are growing so fast and are so beautiful! :) Do you realize that Emry is the age when you and I first became friends?