Saturday, October 2, 2010

Colorado Springs

So after we hung out in Wyoming for a couple of days we headed over to Colorado Springs for my "kansas friend" Sara's wedding. Sara and I grew up in the same neighborhood together. I can still remember the first time I saw her, we couldn't have been any older than about 6 and she was chasing her little sister around in the front yard with the toy broom. Oh, the memories we made growing up! I am so grateful that she invited me to her beautiful wedding.

Katie came up for the wedding too, I was so excited to see her! Both of the girls warmed right up to her.

This is Sara, isn't she beautiful! I loved seeing her sooooo happy!

Katie all decked out in her red and black

Sara's mom made these cookies for ALL of the guests. She is amazing, and they were delicious! The sunflower is for Sara because she is from Kansas and the truck if for John because he is a mechanic.

The isle, covered in fresh rose petals.

Emry and Amelia got a little antsy during the ceremony so Michael took them over to a grassy area near by and played with them. I am so lucky to have him!

The wedding was held in a breath taking wooded area. So we decided to have a little family photo shoot. Well with Mike, Emry and Amelia.

It was a beautiful wedding Sara and you were a beautiful bride. Thank-you for letting us be a part of it all!


The Perks of Life! said...

How crazy that you were 6 and still remember the first time you met sara! Your sister looks so pretty with her red lipstick. I'm happy you got to see her! I love the picture of Mike and the girls from behind. Too cute. Looks like you guys had a good get away! You so deserved that.

Coil Fam said...

How fun that you are still friends after all these years. (not that you are all that old) Great pictures of Mike and the girls. He is such a proud Papa.