Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas

I was talking with my dad on the phone the other day. We got to talking about favorite Christmas memories and he told me that the best Christmases he could remember were the ones where him and my mom didn't have a lot of money. On one of those years my mom had bought me a wagon at an auction and the two of them spent Christmas eve, and I'm sure all the funds they had, cleaning it up and decorating it with a pack of shiny rainbow stickers. I still remember that wagon, I had many fun adventures in it. That same year, probably even the same auction, my mom bought me a tricycle. My dad laughed and said that the chain came off the first time a rode it.....sweet memories.

This year Christmas was a bit tight for us, not nearly as tight as I'm sure my parents Christmases were for a while or better yet some of my grandparents Christmases. But we all have those years don't we? This Christmas is one I will never forget! It was a year filled with making traditions and a lot of homemade gifts, which I ended up loving. As a family we were more observant of the simple things like christmas lights and beautiful carols that really bring the spirit of the season. I learned how to cut out my first snowflake, pretty big accomplishment for a 28 year old, I know. I also learned how to make delicious smelling apple cinnamon ornaments with my girls, just like my mom made with me one Christmas many years ago. I feel so blessed, I know that might sound a bit cliche, but truly I do. We received so much from family and friends and I am so humbled by every body's generosity. I want to be more like all of you who give so much.

On Christmas eve I let Emry open her new apron so she could wear it while making cookies for Santa. Thank-you Grandma for explaining to me how to make it.

We were pretty excited to make cookies!

When did she get big enough to run the mixer by herself?

Dumping in the best part!

This Christmas eve a new tradition was born. All of the family bundled up in their warmest clothes and rode the train to temple square. The anticipation was building as we sat and waited to see the lights of the train!

All aboard and ready to go

Abbie helped out so much with the kids, they all just love her! I loved seeing these brown eyes peeking up at me.

The kids all found their own seats, so of course Emry and Sammie sat next to each other.

The pictures of the lights at temple didn't turn out great. I didn't want to use the flash because then you couldn't see the lights. So, sorry for the blurry pics.
This was my favorite display there. There is a statue of Joseph, Mary and Christ in and manger in the middle of the reflection pool. It was beautiful! Thanks for noticing I wrote I was beautiful, not what I meant to say:)

Another blurry picture, but I loved this cobble stone path.

This is a lit up stream going through the lights, the kids all took a turn throwing in a coin and making a wish

My little family with and array of lights around us

In Kansas it was very popular to set up luminaries in the old brick street neighborhoods during the season. I was ecstatic to see these luminaries!

They all had designs on the bags, amazing.

I love how the temple is glowing in this picture, it is so magical!

It was all fun and games on the ride home. Santa was coming to visit all of the kids that night and you could feel the excitement! Here's Chris being silly with amelia, we are all so grateful he is home and safe this year.

When we got home the girls opened their pajamas and dolls. Seeing and smelling their cabbage patch dolls brought back so many memories.

All tucked in

Loving Meggie

The girls didn't even get up until about 8:00. I woke up at about 7:00 so excited to hear their footprints come in our room, I almost went in and woke them up. We just stayed home and played all day. It was wonderful to not have a schedule. Christmas day was the best!!


Chris and Aubrey said...

You are truly an inspiration to the rest of us. Thank you. I am glad you had a beautiful Christmas. Love you dearly.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely Christmas you had, your girls are so cute. Love the apron!

Shay said...

So cute, I love the pics!! The kids loved their aprons, they will be excited to know that Emry has one too. And I can so tell you are reading Fancy Nancy if you were ecstatic about the illuminaries!! Love you guys, so happy you had a good Christmas.

D said...

You posted and I loved the post. Looks like Christmas was a joyful time at the Coil home.

eve said...

i suck at commenting on your blog, but i love this post & emry's huge smile. and i loved your christmas cards, and i love you.